Ricardo Mattua Miniaturas

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Concord: Operation Little Saturn…

Concord: Operation Little Saturn and Infantry Battles of Heeresgruppe Sud December 1942 – June 1943

Southern Russia loomed large in Hitler’s overall strategy to conquer Russia. After capturing Stalingrad as his linchpin, he planned to launch Operation Blau and cut off Russian oil supplies in the Caucasus. To do this he had formed two separate armies in Heeresgruppe Sud – Heeresgruppe A under General List, and Heeresgruppe B commanded by General Weich. This new volume authored by William Fowler examines in some detail this sector of the Eastern Front.

Concord 6530
As with previous books in this popular Concord series, this volume consists of an impressive collection of black and white photos stemming from this area of Heeresgruppe Sud. The book is confined to the period from December 1942 to June 1943, which covers the Soviet plan codenamed Operation Little Saturn.

This was a plan hatched in December 1942 by the Soviet General Malinovsky and his 2nd Guards Army to thwart German efforts to relieve encircled troops in Stalingrad. With the successful completion of this phase, the next stage began in January 1943. At this time, four Soviet armies from General Golikov’s Voronezh Front encircled and smashed through German and Hungarian defenses. Heeresgruppe Sud, trying to maintain some sort of cohesion against overwhelming Soviet superiority, was unrelentingly pushed back. In the end, Manstein launched a counteroffensive that recaptured Kharkov and finally ended the Soviet winter offensive.

The bitter winter fighting of this period is captured vividly in photos. German soldiers endured harsh conditions against a resilient foe, and their experience is captured in the book’s photographs. Each photo is accompanied by a detailed caption that outlines pertinent points about units, uniforms, weapons or the state of the battle.

Concord 6530
The book also contains four color plates as a centerpiece, these being created by Ramiro Bujeiro. These color plates illustrate typical uniform and weapon details of soldiers during this stage of the war, when the tide had truly begun to change against the Third Reich. For those wanting to learn about this significant and bitterly contested period of WWII, this volume will prove a goldmine of information and pictures.

20/08/2010 Posted by | News | , | Deixe um comentário

Concord: Early Panzer Victories

Concord Publications: 7064 Early Panzer Victories
by Frank V. De Sisto ISBN 962-361-145-5
72 pages, 16 color plates, 167 photos

Many books have been written on German panzers, a topic that is extremely popular. However, there is always room for one more, especially when new photos are unearthed, as is the case with this new volume from Frank De Sisto.

This book confines itself to the period from 1939-42. Defined by these early-war years, the coverage thus includes German campaigns waged against Poland (1939), Scandinavia (1940), Western Europe (1940), the Balkans (1941) and Russia (1941).

The volume commences with a precis of these aforementioned campaigns, with a particular focus on the role of panzer units. Germany unleashed its new combined-arms blitzkrieg strategy on Europe, dependent on new armored vehicles.

These vehicles are shown in a series of clear black and white photographs, and they include the likes of halftracks (Sd.Kfz.251), armored cars (Sd.Kfz.221/222, Sd.Kfz.231, Sd.Kfz.232, Sd.Kfz.263), assault guns (StuG.III) and tanks (Pz.Kpfw.I, Pz.Kpfw.II, Pz.Kpfw.35(t) and 38(t), Pz.Kpfw.III, Pz.Kpfw.IV). There are even a few rarities such as the Saurer RK-7 and 15cm s.IG33 infantry gun, as well as a few soft-skin vehicles.

The inspirational photographs are accompanied by helpful and highly detailed captions that will add much to the reader’s knowledge of German vehicles of this time. As is usual for this series, there is a series of 16 color plates in the center of the book. These are expertly produced by artist Laurent Lecocq.

For enthusiasts seeking wider coverage of this early-war period, “Early Panzer Victories” is a handy reference. Well written and well presented, this work offers many new photos for readers to study and examine.

16/06/2010 Posted by | News | , , , | Deixe um comentário

Concord: Into the Cauldron

Concord : Into the Cauldron – Das Reich na Frente Oriental .
por Robert Michulec & Zgonnik Dmitriy ISBN 962-361-170-6 52 páginas, 134 fotos, 4 placas de cor

Em sua obra anterior, Robert Michulec examinou o papel de “Das Reich” na invasão da França. Este último trabalho fornece um parceiro inestimável como ele olha para a participação das “Das Reich”, agora plenamente estabelecida como uma divisão Waffen SS, na frente oriental.

O volume começa com uma descrição do “Das Reich” Divisão, uma vez que participou na Operação Barbarossa, a invasão da União Soviética em 22 de junho de 1941 em diante. O que se seguiu foi uma série impressionante de vitórias que varreu “Das Reich” e outras unidades alemão em toda a vastas estepes russo às portas de Moscovo. Contudo, a resistência soviética enrijecimento e condições de inverno fria trouxe o ímpeto do assalto a uma moagem e parada mortal. Depois da remontagem, em França, a divisão retornou à Frente Leste e participou em combate, em lugares como Kharkov e na memorável Batalha de Kursk, em Julho de 1943.

Depois disso, “Das Reich” foi envolvido no retiro amargo para as fronteiras da Pátria, incluindo episódios como o esforço para aliviar o bolso Korsun, bem como de combate para a Hungria.

O livro documenta a crescente e minguante fortunas de “Das Reich” em uma rica coleção de fotografias em preto e branco. As imagens mostram soldados a levar-se à invasão da Rússia, bem como em combate no vasto interior Soviética. Estas fotos mostram as tropas, equipamentos e veículos em todo o tipo de condições da poeira do verão para outono lama e neve do inverno. Por exemplo, motocicletas, carros, caminhões, armas anti-tanque e tanques de todos encontrar um lugar entre as capas. Neste livro da série Concord Publications ‘Warrior, o homem de luta “Das Reich”, naturalmente, continua a ser o foco, e isso dá alguma indicação do tipo de dificuldades que enfrentou na frente oriental.

No centro do livro, o artista Dmitriy Zgonnik exibe quatro placas de cor resplandecente mostrando soldados típica em seus uniformes de combate e empunhando uma variedade de armas. Ao longo do livro, o autor tenha incluído legendas detalhadas para manter os leitores informados sobre as características específicas de “Das Reich”, o seu equipamento e organização.

Trata-se de um volume adequado segunda divisão sobre este famoso alemão, e que traça em alguns detalhes ilustrados suas façanhas na frente oriental.

24/03/2010 Posted by | News | , , , , , | Deixe um comentário

Concord: German Half-Tracks of World War Two – Vol.2

Concord: German Half-Tracks of World War Two – Vol.2

This new book by Frank De Sisto can be considered a superb bonus from Concord Publications! As explained in the preface, when the first volume on German Half-tracks (No. 7054) was released there was no intention to produce a follow-up book. However, with the unearthing of new photos, the result is this second compendium on the interesting topic of German half-tracked vehicles in WWII.

The book is a highly useful collection of black and white photos, beginning with coverage of the diminutive Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad, and moving on to bigger vehicles such as the Sd.Kfz.10 D7, 3-ton Sd.Kfz.11, 5-ton Sd.Kfz.6, 8-ton Sd.Kfz.7, 12-ton Sd.Kfz.8 and 18-ton Sd.Kfz.9. It should be noted that armored halftracks like the Sd.Kfz.250 and Sd.Kfz.251 that appeared in the original volume are not covered again here. Nevertheless, these aforementioned halftracks are extremely well represented, with photos showing them in all kinds of theaters and periods of the war. Many of the pictured vehicles are towing an array of trailers and artillery pieces that are sure to inspire many a diorama by modelers. Each photo is aided by a detailed caption that identifies key features and characteristics of the vehicle type. The book opens with a useful summary of each type of halftrack featured inside.

In usual style for the series, the book also features 16 color plates prepared by Laurent Lecocq. These plates provide the perfect opportunity to highlight camouflage paint schemes and vehicle/tactical markings. The combination of a knowledgeable author and atmospheric wartime photographs represents an inspiring book for any interested in the wide-ranging topic of German halftracks.

– 72 Pages
– 182 Photos
– 16 Color plates

28/02/2010 Posted by | News | , , , , , | Deixe um comentário